Minor injuries services in Dorset – call ahead first

Minor injuries services in Dorset – call 111
People with non-life-threatening health problems are reminded about Dorset’s Minor Injuries Units (MIUs) services.
MIU services provide telephone support and offer face-to-face appointments only where strictly necessary. This has helped to keep patients and staff safe, and reduce the spread of the COVID-19 virus.
If you have an ailment or injury which requires urgent care, please call 111 and you will be given advice or booked in for a face-to-face appointment at the appropriate site. Please do not just turn up, you can’t be seen without an appointment.
Calling 111 could save a trip and a lengthy wait at one of the county’s emergency departments in Bournemouth, Poole or Dorchester.
If you or someone you are with has an emergency or is in a life-threatening situation, don’t hesitate to call 999 as usual.