Clinics & Services

Disease Management Clinics

There are several clinics specially for looking after patients with ongoing conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, asthma and other breathing conditions. You will be sent an appointment to attend if it’s appropriate, but if you feel you need to be seen beforehand, this can usually be arranged. Specially trained practice nurses mainly run the clinics. If you are usually seen for more than one chronic condition it is possible for you to be reviewed in just one appointment, please ask reception when making your appointment.

Travel Vaccinations

The surgery offers appointments with the Practice Nurse for travel immunisations. Please contact the surgery to make an appointment.  A questionnaire must be completed and brought along to the appointment. Please collect the questionnaire from the main reception or click here to download the form.  Please note, you must be a patient registered with the practice.

Please allow plenty of time before you travel.  You may require vaccinations which have to be ordered in. If you require urgent travel vaccinations or do not wish to wait for an appointment, you are advised to attend a private travel clinic.

The surgery can provide the following travel vaccines free on the NHS:

If you need other vaccinations you will be directed to a private provider.

Here follows a list of useful website for you to obtain travel advice and information:

Travel vaccination advice – NHS (

National Travel Health Network and Centre (NaTHNaC) – for all travel information and vaccinations schedule

Fit for Travel – good site for maps, especially for cruises

Malaria Hotspots

Foreign Travel Advice

Physio Self-Referral

Please click on the link below for information on the physiotherapist service and how to self-refer.

Self referral to outpatient physiotherapy services Information Sheet

Mental Health

Patients may refer themselves for mental health and wellbeing support.  Please click on the link or call 0300 123 1120. Click on the link to view a short video that explains the service

Click here for information on various support services available to patients,  and how to access them.

Click here for dementia support information


We are able to perform a variety of investigations within the surgery including:

  • Blood and urine tests
  • Electrocardiograms (ECGs, heart tracings)
  • Spirometry (lung function tests)
  • 24 hour blood pressure recordings
  • Pregnancy tests (when there is a medical reason to find out)
  • Cervical smears

Please note: You will be contacted if your results are unusual.

Should transgender men have cervical screening tests?

Cervical screening checks the health of cells in the cervix. Detecting and removing abnormal cervical cells can prevent cervical cancer.

Cervical screening is available every three years at ages 25 to 49, and every five years at ages 50 to 64.

Trans men who still have a cervix are entitled to have cervical screening. If you are:

  • a trans man registered with your GP as female, you will receive invitations for cervical screening between the ages of 25 and 64
  • a trans man registered with your GP as male, you remain eligible for screening but will not receive automatic invitations. You will need to request screening appointments at your GP practice

Trans men (individuals who have changed gender from female to male) who have had a total hysterectomy do not need to have cervical screening tests.

You can ask your GP to remove you from the cervical screening list if:

  • you no longer have a cervix, but still receive invitations to screening
  • you still have a cervix, but no longer want to have screening 


If you are asked to provide a specimen by your GP or nurse, it is vital that the pot is clearly marked with your name and date of birth. If we are not able to identify you, the specimen will be disposed of.  If your specimen needs to be sent to the hospital for testing, please bring it to the surgery by 11:30am.  Please click on the link for How to collect a faecal (poo) specimen at home.

Ear Syringing

Ear irrigation is not available at Wareham Surgery.  The practice is not funded to provide this service and, more importantly, the risks to patients, for example perforation of ear drums, are outweighed by the benefits.  Please click the link for further information.  Please note, there is currently a waiting list for microsuction at Poole Hospital.

The following providers offer ear cleaning services. (Please note, mention of any service listed below must not be read as an endorsement by Wareham Surgery of said service).

Wareham Foot Clinic – 01929 555050
Wax Away Ear Care – 07497 141806 (Home visiting available)
HearWell – 07761 675336 (Home visiting available)
Jane Smith – 01202 280380 (Home visiting available)
The Ear Waxinator – 07472 118753 (Home visiting available)
Ear Wax Clinic – 10 Plantation Road, Poole. 01202 985288

DisappEar Wax 01202 085239 or 07789 823041 (home visiting available)

Minor Surgery

Most of the doctors are trained and experienced in performing minor surgery including the removal of skin lesions, joint injections and cryotherapy (treating skin lesions with liquid nitrogen). These appointments are limited so there is usually a waiting list.


Dressings can be done by the nurses and healthcare assistants.  We also run clinics for the management of leg ulcers.  Click here for the leg ulcer dressings formulary

Well Person Check

These are available by appointment with the practice nurse.  Please note this consists of blood pressure, height and weight measurement and healthy lifestyle advice.

Occupational Health

We do not provide Occupational Health services at Wareham Surgery.

Contraceptive Services

Contraception aims to prevent pregnancy. Contraceptives are free through the NHS.  Please click on the link SH24 to access the NHS free online ordering, advice and support service.

We no longer provide long-acting reversible contraception. Visit Public Health Dorset to find local services.

Please complete the questionnaire on your online access if you are applying for a repeat prescription for the contraceptive pill or patch

For advice if you have missed the contraceptive pill, please click on this link

Click here for other sexual health services

Other Sexual Health Services

Sexual Health Dorset is the free contraception and sexual health service for all ages, provided by Dorset HealthCare University NHS Foundation Trust.

They offer a wide range of confidential services, including STI testing, treatment, contraception (including long-acting and emergency), pregnancy testing, PEP, and specialist young people’s services.

They also offer postal STI testing, treatment and contraception through our digital partner, SH:24.

MSI Reproductive Choices provides early medical abortion, STI screening, contraception & counselling across Dorset. We are located at the Lifeboat Quay Medical Centre, Poole.

Patients can call us directly on 0345 300 8090 to access our Abortion services.

Our telephone line is open 24/7 and is free to use. Patients can call our telephone line for clinical advice, support, and information about the choices available to them.

Patients can also contact us via webchat to discuss and/or gather information on all our services by visiting our website