Lewis Manning Day Hospice

Lewis-Manning Hospice Care is a charity providing extraordinary care to patients and their loved ones facing a life-limiting illness across East Dorset & Purbeck. They offer a range of free hospice care services aimed at helping people to live well through their illness, closer to home. These include:

  • Day hospices, virtual and in person
  • Creative arts & wellbeing support
  • Lymphoedema clinic
  • Breathlessness clinic
  • Bereavement & family support
  • Complementary therapy
  • Hospice at home

Every year Lewis-Manning supports around 600 local people and develop new services, based on patient need and identified gaps in the area. To do this the charity needs to raise over £2.3m every year. Without these funds the charity could not exist. Their important work increases people’s physical and social wellbeing, reduces isolation and loneliness, supports people to stay in their homes longer, and alleviates the huge pressures on family and carers.


Registered charity no. 1120193

There is a local day hospice running at the Swanage and Wareham Rugby Club on Tuesdays from 10am to 3pm. Patients with any of the following illnesses can attend:
Parkinson’s Disease
Motor Neurone’s Disease
Multiple Sclerosis
Cardiac Disease
Unfortunately, they are not able to accommodate patients who have had a stroke or suffer with dementia or mental illness.
If you are interested or know someone who would like to attend, email enquiries@lewis-manning.org.uk or telephone 01202 708470