
A new text messaging service has recently been launched which allows parents and carers of babies and children under 5 to get confidential advice and support from the Health Visiting team for issues such as feeding, child development, toileting, sleep, behaviour, parenting, child health and more.

ParentLine is part of ChatHealth, which is an award-winning messaging service, that is now available to parents and carers of 0-5 year olds in Dorset.

How it works:

  • Parent/carer sends a text message to the ParentLine number 07312 277162
  • An automated reply confirms the message has been received.
  • A trained healthcare professional from the Health Visiting team will respond to the message during office hours, 9-5 Monday to Friday (excluding weekends and bank holidays) within 24 working hours.

Please note that this should not be used as an emergency service – urgent help should  be sought from an NHS walk-in centre or call NHS 111, or in an emergency, dial 999 or got to A&E

Dorset Healthcare Health Visiting website