Supported Self Help

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Better health for your better future

We can’t go back and change the beginning… but we can start where we are and change the ending.

Unhealthy habits creep up and catch us out. It’s easy to find ourselves stuck in a rut with no plan to get out. Your health matters. Better health matters. Better Health shares proven apps and tools to plan your next step forwards. What’s your healthy living goal? To lose weight, drink less, move more or quit smoking? Bit by bit, little by little, you can achieve your goal. Make today the day you start your journey to better health.

Excess weight makes it harder to fight off nasty illnesses such as heart disease, cancer, and now coronavirus. Coronavirus hasn’t gone anywhere; it’s set to keep interrupting our lives.

If you’re living with obesity, coronavirus could mean that you’re twice as likely to be hospitalised. Extra weight means extra pressure on your body. Reduce your weight to reduce your risk. Eating well and moving more will change your future. A healthy BMI is between 18 and 25. What’s yours? Find out now with LiveWell Dorset’s free lifestyle assessment.

Wake-up shake-up

Lockdown’s been the time that many have taken steps to move more. A million people have tried couch to 5km! There’s been a bike-boom as we’ve dusted off old bikes. It’s never too late to get active to improve your health, so start small and build up.

Let’s do this! Ready to take control of your unhealthy habits? LiveWell Dorset’s free support here to help. By completing a lifestyle assessment, you’ll see how you fare against national guidelines. LiveWell Advisors and Coaches can talk you through each next step to LiveWell.

Please click here to take you to LivewellDorset local supportive self-help website


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