Practice Team
GP Partners
Dr James Bennett (m)
MBBS (1990 London), DRCOG, MRCGP
Dr Alastair McPhail (m)
BM (1997 Southampton), BSc, DRCOG, DGM, MRCGP
Dr Ann Marshall (f)
MBChB (1995 Sheffield), DRCOG, MRCGP, DFFP
Dr Nathan Francis (m)
MBBCh (2003 University of Wales), Bsc (Intercal.), DCH, MRCGP, MPH
Dr Hannah Francis (f)
MBBCh (2003 University of Wales), DRCOG, DCH, DFFP, MRCGP
Dr Samantha Owen (f)
MBBS (2015 The University of Hull and the University of York)
Dr Rebecca Hughes (f)
MBBS (2008 University of London)
Salaried GP
Dr Emily Cleaver (f)
MB ChB 2018 University of Leeds
Dr Fiona Walker (f)
BChir 1997 University of Cambridge MB 1998 University of Cambridge
Nursing Team
Victoria Barnett
Registered Nurse - Adult, Dip Diabetes
Cordelia Gadsby
Registered Nurse - Adult
Deimante Sabutyte
Healthcare Assistant
Debbie Wilcox
Healthcare Assistant
Sue Lander
Healthcare Assistant
Management Team
Jenny Whittle
Practice Manager
Amanda Gadenne
Deputy Practice Manager
Marianne Hunter
Deputy Practice Manager
Training practice
Wareham Surgery is a “Training Practice”. Our Trainees (ST2s or ST3s) are fully-qualified doctors who have chosen General Practice as their career, and who, since gaining their degree in Medicine, will already have had at least three years of experience working as doctors in various hospital specialties.
They can provide care of the same standard as that given by the other doctors within the practice, but also enjoy close clinical supervision by GP Partners at the practice, and will refer to the partner who is their Trainer if necessary.
As part of their assessment in training, GP Trainees have to sometimes video-record consultations. These recordings are strictly confidential and only seen by doctors involved in their assessment. Video-recording of consultations is only ever done with your express written consent, and you may choose to withhold such consent without giving any reason or affecting your care in any way.
Dr Nathan Francis and Dr Hannah Francis are approved GP Trainers, and will be responsible for the supervision of all GP Trainees.
GP net earnings
All GP practices are required to declare the mean earnings (e.g. average pay) for GPs working to deliver NHS services to patients at each practice.
The average pay for GPs working in Wareham Surgery in the last financial year was £74,396 before tax and National Insurance. This is for no full time GPs, 8 part time GPs, and no locum GP who worked in the practice for more than six months