Statement of Purpose

  1. To provide and deliver the highest quality NHS general medical services available under the NHS with integrated care that is closer to home, meeting the needs of our local community and our commissioners.
  2. To ensure that patients are seen by the most appropriate healthcare professional within an appropriate time, dependant upon their presenting complaint.
  3. To focus on prevention of disease by promoting good health and preventative medicine and to improve wellbeing and provide services that improve local health outcomes.
  4. To provide patients with an experience and environment that is comfortable, friendly and professional.
  5. To understand and meet the needs of our patients, involve them in decisions about their care and encourage them to participate fully.
  6. To involve other professionals in the care of our patients where this is in the patient’s best interests; for example, referral for specialist care and advice.
  7. To be an employer of choice and to ensure that all members of our team have the right skills and training to carry out their duties competently.
  8. To deliver innovative and flexible solutions that support and improve health and wellbeing and continuously improve the lines of communication to patients using the latest technologies as appropriate.
  9. To develop new ways to educate and inform patients in order to encourage patients to take responsibility for their health and wellbeing.
  10. To ensure compliance with Data Protection regulation in order to maintain patient confidentiality.
  11. To continue to deliver and develop high quality clinical research, sharing and promoting research activity across the locality and beyond.
  12. To deliver value for money and be financially sustainable.